Q1: Please share your view of open and what it means to you in your industry, field of work?
Q2: Do you think it’s important to try to define open? Why or why not?
Q3: Do you engage in any open practices? If yes, what are they, and/or why?
Q4: What do you think are the similarities/differences between open & free? Which do you think makes more sense for you in what you do and why?
Q5: What do you think is the role of the commercial in open? Can it be open + commercial? Is it only ever open vs commercial?
Q6: Do you still have any questions about open and/or free?
Q7: How is your thinking on open and free evolving?
Q8: Any reading from this week that you thought was particularly helpful? Is there other reading you would like to share with us that you feel explains well what open is?
Q9: Creative Commons licenses: do you think the different licenses are comprehensive in opening up copyright and why? Is there anything that is missing? Any problems with their licenses?
Q10: If you were to choose a CC license for any thing that you created (blog, artwork, writing, academic publication, research, etc), which license would you choose and why?