How Do I Get Started With Discourse?

Hello change-maker. Welcome to our little community of social agents on the web.

#Tips and Tricks
Discourse is this spot where our conversations and feedback will take place (so bookmark this link!). Some things to note:

  • Our “classroom” is the red “Writing for Change” category. So if you are posting for our community, you’ll see the red banner that looks like this:
  • Our “Writing for Change” category is made of individual topics. You can see the first few topics @Adam and I put together.

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- In order to reply to a topic, click on the link and click the "Reply" button. You can also like a post by clicking the heart :smile: - In order to "tag" someone else in the community, use the "@" symbol and then begin typing their name. Discourse will show you a list of folks' usernames, you can select the right one, and they will be notified.

Next Steps:

  • Signup for Discourse. We know it’s another login. But we promise (promise promise promise) it’s worth it.

  • Fill out your profile (click on the avatar in the upper right corner, and pop in a picture).

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  • Introduce yourself. Say a bit about who you are, why you are passionate about the cause, and share your favorite writer, animated GIF or spirit animal.

  • Check out someone else’s profile and introduction. We have a few stellar folks already getting started. Check out their profiles and say hi.

Katie heads up disaster relief for the Episcopal Church...


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And Beth studies how Mexico prepares for disasters...

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What an awesome crew--and some stellar GIFs.