Study groups... join one or organize it!

Hey there,

we know of a few study groups that are organized for people to learn together. I know, that is a great way to do it, right?

These are the cities organized their own “offline” study group:

  • Chicago IL (hosted by Chicago Public Library), USA
  • Cambridge MA, USA
  • New York NY, USA (hosted by New York Library)
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia (hosted by CodeCatz group)
  • Johannesburg, SA
  • Cape Town, SA

You can reply here if you are interested in joining in, for people who are organizing this are watching this thread.

If you don’t see your city on this list and would like to study in study group, we encourage you to organize one on your own. Get in touch by also replying on this thread and we will give you few tips, meet you with other organizers of study groups and so on.

Kudos by MOOC-E

I’d be interested in organizing a study group for any participants in the Great Basin area. I know a friend is joining and I think I saw another sign up for Saratoga Springs, UT.

I’m in Cape Town if the person who is organising a Cape Town group wants to contact me.

I second that emotion.

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Hey there! Let’s get organized!

Hey everyone, I have been led to posting on this thread as per my request for forming a collaborative group such as through Skype. This idea is the result of my believing it would be beneficial for promoting our learning in many ways; especially for those such as myself, which do not have access to other members in proximity. If anyone is interested, please contact me or leave a message here. Once our group gathers, there will be a potential for regularity and the forming of a convenient schedule.

P.S. If someone speaks a language other than english, they are more than welcomed… I do not believe this to be that much of a barrier, and that it in fact provides a different perspective. I believe I have read somewhere that there may even be a linguist among us.


I would be interested in organizing/helping with a study group in the Chesapeake VA (USA) area.

Hi, I’ll be interested in a skype-group as I haven’t seen anyone else in my area. Do you have any idea how to organize it?

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Hello All! The New York Public Library will be coordinating a Python study group on Thursdays from May 7th - June 18th for the duration of this course. We’ll meet from 6:00 - 7:30pm. The location will be announced shortly! Who is interested in joining us for this?

EDIT: post to this topic if you are interested.

Dear everyone, I can see that there is some interest in learning together, which excites me…a lot. We have prepared a nice guideline for you if you will organize the face 2 face study groups, either offline or online.

I will direct more people towards this thread, so we can get more eyeballs and consequently more engagement to the study groups.

If you are in the New York area, please check out the group in the NY Public Library.


I am based in Kuwait, is anyone interested in forming a study group in the middle east - maybe Skype / Whats App based or another medium - feel free to suggest.

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Seems to me that the main thing with skype would be a set time to meet. Once a week? Twice a week so if you mess one you can get in on the other?

Differences in time zones could be the biggest barrier. I would like to communicate with others, not just Americans.

I’m avaliable from Thursday at 5:30 am until Sunday at 9 pm Zulu time (UTC - yea, I’m old school).

Hi fritzm

I am in Durban, but in the same timezone, so shouldn’t be a problem. I would like to be involved in a study group too.

Gareth_Shaw, I think you’re only an hour ahead of @philgil and @fritzm in South Africa - maybe you can link up with them!

Alright, so I think twice a week or more would be great.

as per the guidelines we need to form a group of 5-7…
@Irina No, because I have no experience but I’ll try…
@Davo thats perfect we could use UTC which is universal.
For me, 8 UTC onwards is a good time… But I think
we can be flexible depending on the day of the week.

( I will be using a calendar, and if I learn others’ TZ,
I can have a better idea of what is best for everyone )

I’ll await contact information at my p email: < email removed >

  • message me your Skype name and Time Zone and I’ll go from there.
  • preferred language and level of comfort ( option of listen or speak in chat )

Lets set things up!

P.S. if a session is missed, I will demand that team members contact me.

Would like to hear from anyone in the Durban area

Hi, I am from Mumbai and open to joining a study group or starting one with anyone near me. I have no idea how it will work but we’ll hash that out once we get together.

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Hi there, looking for a group from Kharkiv or any other cities of Ukraine =)

Hi @Sholto_Douglas
I am in the Durban area.

Phil what is your contact number and email